☆ Webmaster Webring ☆

About the webring!

The long version of why I wanted to make this webring can be found in this blog post, so I'll try to keep this short:

I think everyone should have a website.

It's truly that simple. I think everyone should have a website, regardless of skill level - I want personal websites to become mainstream again, but that necessitates being okay with and even encouraging of the use of site builders. Inconvenience is counter-culture, yes, but in order for something to become culture, it has to be something people are willing and able to do. Not everyone has the time or energy to pick up coding, but I KNOW that a lot of people are willing to make a carrd listing out their interests and showing off their art, or a google site about their stories.

So many webrings are out there, and it's wonderful getting to surf through them, but the vast majority of them specify that all sites must be hand-coded, and I feel like that simple restriction blocks out a lot more people than we'd like to think. Interesting and creative sites can be made with site-builders, and websites built on pre-made layouts are still websites!! Because of this, I wanted to make a webring that allows sites of all kinds :)

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